New Family FAQs
Market Steers – Steers are purchased as early as March and as late as June. You must have your steer by validation date in June of each year. This project is the longest as you have steers from March - January of following year. Steers need to be halter broken by validation.
Registered Breeding Heifers – Can be purchased prior to June Validation or can be purchased prior to October validation *** PLEASE CONTACT THE 4-H OFFICE OR FFA ADVISOR REGARDING IMPORTANT DATES FOR REGISTRATION PAPERS ***
Market Lambs and Market Goats - Lambs and goats are purchased in June - mid July. Validation occurs in October of each year.
Registered Breeding Sheep and Breeding Goats - Need to be purchased prior to October Validation *** PLEASE CONTACT THE 4-H OFFICE OR FFA ADVISOR REGARDING IMPORTANT DATES FOR REGISTRATION PAPERS ***
Market Swine – Hogs are purchased in September - October. You must have ownership prior to validation in November.
Registered Breeding Gilts – Need to be purchased prior to November Validation *** PLEASE CONTACT THE 4-H OFFICE OR FFA ADVISOR REGARDING IMPORTANT DATES FOR REGISTRATION PAPERS ***
Broilers – Broilers are ordered thru the Kendall County 4-H office or your School FFA Advisor in the month of September and they will be delivered the Tuesday the week of Thanksgiving. The broilers are picked up from the Texas A&M Poultry Science Department and exacted delivery date is subject to change.
Turkeys - Turkeys are ordered through the Kendall County 4-H office or your FFA Advisor in September and delivered in October.
Office Address:
118 Saunders St. Boerne, Texas 78006
Mailing Address
210 E. San Antonio Ave. Boerne, Texas 78006
Please see the list of current advisors on our contact page.
Here is the website where you can join!
Poultry: Micah Osburn
Ag Mechanics: Mark Rose & Hudson Merhmann
Lamb, Sheep & Goat: Wayne Morse
Steer & Heifer: David Groschke
Swine: LJ Young
Open to the Kendall County 4-H members, Boerne ISD and Comfort ISD FFA members in grades 6th thru 12th grades.
Entry fee is $20.00
Deadline for entry is November 1st
Divisions: There will be TWO (2) divisions for the contest:
Division 1 - All Wood Projects (Constructed at least 100% Wood or Synthetic Materials not including Hardware)
Class 101 - Indoor Furniture - Tables, Desks, Cedar Chests, Toy Chests, and Saddle Racks
Class 102 - Outdoor Furniture - Chairs, Picnic Tables, Benches and Shooting Stands
Division 2 - BBQ and Wildlife
Class 201 - BBQ - Smokers, Grills, Santa Maria, etc. *Must have cook chamber, no fire pits
Class 202 - Livestock/Wildlife and anything related to either - Feeders, Skinning Racks, Handling & Stockshow Equipment, Panels, Traps, Etc.
For additional details please reference the KCJLS Rules
Helpful Links
Thank your buyer
Before you can receive your check from the sale of your project, you must first turn in 2 cards for each of your buyers: Thank you and Christmas.
For instructions on fulfilling this requirement, click below to download a PDF guide.

Class listings
for any class posting clarification, please contact the committee chairman.
Swine Chairman - Chicken Stehling 830.446.1253
Cattle Chairman - Duane Zoeller 210.842.8694
Sheep and Goat Chairman - Chad Upham
These will be posted the week of the show.

Want to Volunteer at the Stock Show?
Are you interested in volunteering? Contact the Kendall County 4-H Office.